Study of consumer preferences for Korean cuisine in Vladivostok

  • Petrova G.A.

    G. A. Petrova. Study of consumer preferences for Korean cuisine in Vladivostok

  • A.A. Malakhova

    A. A. Malakhova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article studies the preferences of regular consumers of Korean cuisine in Vladivostok. The state of the market of public catering enterprises in the Primorsky Territory has been analyzed. In particular, the article considers statistical data on the number of catering establishments,
annual gastronomic festivals, and the success of Vladivostok restaurants in gastronomic ratings. The aim of the work was to identify existing problems and propose possible solutions based on a study of the preferences of consumers of Korean cuisine in Vladivostok. The methodological basis of the work is statistical and content analysis, questioning. The factors of the attractiveness of Korean cuisine and their characteristics have been determined. Consumer preferences regarding ordered Korean dishes, popular establishments, frequency of visits and
average bill were studied. It has been established that the most common wishes of regular consumers of Korean cuisine are to increase the level of service, quality of products and a variety of menus. There was revealed a contradictory attitude of respondents to the issue of
adapting Korean cuisine dishes to the local consumer. The practical significance of the work lies in identifying existing problems and searching for possible solutions in Korean food establishments, which in the future may be the basis for studying the demand for Korean national cuisine
enterprises as an alternative to unrealizable travel in conditions of closed borders.
Keywords: Vladivostok, Korean cuisine, catering establishments, gastronomic tourism, consumer preferences, motivation factors.